Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Floating and Fever

Two milestones...

One cool, the other, not so much.

So, this last Sunday, I took Aidan to my dad's house for a dip in the pool. This was his 4th time in the pool, I think. Well, he loved it. No fussing in his float, like usual. Got him out of the float after a bit, and put him facedown, resting his chest on my hand. He was floating!! Kicking his feet and dipping his mouth into the water.

My little tadpole... :)

And then there was today. After a glowing review from his teacher, 4 naps and four bottles at daycare, I kissed his little head, and it was HOT! Sure enough, got him home, took his temp, and...fever. 1st one.

Gave him some Tylenol, fed him, and he is currently asleep on me. Poor little thing. Hopefully he will shake it soon.

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