Tuesday, July 22, 2008


We have been busy!

Ok, so I will admit, I kinda forgot I started this page... So, a lot has happened over the past few months. Aidan is about 4.5 months old, and almost 20 pounds.

Mama had her first Mother's Day (brunch at the house with the whole family, just about!), and Daddy had his first Father's Day!

Aidan started daycare on June 2, and has been going half days. He has 5 girlfriends already. :)

He has been swimming at GranDad and Nanny's THREE times now!

Jason just had a birthday, and Oma babysat so I could take him out to a movie (Dark Knight) and dinner (Gumbo's).

Life is good.

Ok, these should get you all caught up for now. :) I will try not to go so far in between posts from now on.

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