Tuesday, August 26, 2008

THAT'S a big baby! :)

Recent Happenings

Well, he got over his fever/illness in a few days, and was back in the pool the next Sunday! And we have not missed a Sunday yet. He is LOVING the pool this summer!

In addition to "swimming" and sitting, he is now eating. What, you ask? Let's see... rice cereal, oatmeal, applesauce, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, bananas, and green beans. Loves everything... BUT the green beans. We will keep trying, though.

Tonight, he sipped some water - from a CUP! There is no holding this boy back. He is 5 1/2 months, 21 pounds, and growing rapidly.

Here are some recent pics, enjoy.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Floating and Fever

Two milestones...

One cool, the other, not so much.

So, this last Sunday, I took Aidan to my dad's house for a dip in the pool. This was his 4th time in the pool, I think. Well, he loved it. No fussing in his float, like usual. Got him out of the float after a bit, and put him facedown, resting his chest on my hand. He was floating!! Kicking his feet and dipping his mouth into the water.

My little tadpole... :)

And then there was today. After a glowing review from his teacher, 4 naps and four bottles at daycare, I kissed his little head, and it was HOT! Sure enough, got him home, took his temp, and...fever. 1st one.

Gave him some Tylenol, fed him, and he is currently asleep on me. Poor little thing. Hopefully he will shake it soon.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


We have been busy!

Ok, so I will admit, I kinda forgot I started this page... So, a lot has happened over the past few months. Aidan is about 4.5 months old, and almost 20 pounds.

Mama had her first Mother's Day (brunch at the house with the whole family, just about!), and Daddy had his first Father's Day!

Aidan started daycare on June 2, and has been going half days. He has 5 girlfriends already. :)

He has been swimming at GranDad and Nanny's THREE times now!

Jason just had a birthday, and Oma babysat so I could take him out to a movie (Dark Knight) and dinner (Gumbo's).

Life is good.

Ok, these should get you all caught up for now. :) I will try not to go so far in between posts from now on.

Monday, April 7, 2008


As in... I am FINALLY getting around to posting on here again!

Baby Boy Blair, now known as Aidan James Blair, was born on Sunday, March 9, 2008 at 10:35AM. He weighed 8 lbs., 6 oz. and was 20.5 in long.

We were going to induce on Monday, March 10, but he just could not wait. He was ready to come out!!

Here he is, about oh, I don't know... a few seconds after he was born? Cute, huh? (Don't look at me, I look, well, like I have gone through labor...)

I will get more pics up tomorrow. Hopefully. He is keeping me busy. Still going through a growth spurt!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Monday is "Baby Day"

Ok, it's official...

Went to the doc this AM, and unless this baby boy decides to come on his own this weekend, we will be inducing on Monday morning, starting at 6:00AM!

I was at 3.5 cm, very thin cervix, so he is ready to make his way out! And then there is me... I am VERY puffy today, and had a "significant" weight gain. So, even before she checked me, she wanted me to take next week off and rest this weekend anyway.

Then she checked me and decided on Monday, which we agreed with.

Whoo hoo!! We are definitely excited! :)

March 10 is a good birthday, right?

Monday, March 3, 2008

38 weeks today.

Did I mention I was ready for this baby boy to come out yet?

He is still hangin' in there. I keep hearing that Chinese food and a glass of wine are supposed to do it...

I am thinking we may be going for some after we meet with potential pediatricians tonight.

Read this today:

"Tuesday is the most popular day for babies in the U.S. to be born, with 13,000 births on average in 2003. There are about 16 percent more babies born on Tuesday than on any other day of the week. "

Tomorrow is Tuesday, baby (hint, hint...)!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Boo. No "leapling."

No baby today.

At least not yet, anyway. Went to doc this morning, and there has not been any progress since last week. But, she did tell me who the on-call doctor was this weekend...

We'll see what happens...

(C'mon baby, we are STILL ready for you!)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Last "Childbirth Class" today

Oh boy...

So, we have our last childbirth class today, which we REALLY don't want to go to. They are from 6:30-9:00pm, every Tues. night for a month. Jason almost always falls asleep, or at least "threatens" to.

Tonight is C-section info., class review, and evaluations. Sounds like it will be riveting. I am just glad they have big comfy bean bag chairs for the mamas.

After this, we are ready. C'mon out whenever you want, baby!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Ready for Baby!

Happy Monday morning, all!

As of Friday, the doctor told us we were 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced, then asked if we had the after hours phone number.

So, of course, Jason immediately asked, "So, that means he could come any day now?"

Doc said, "Yes, but don't look for it, or it will drive you crazy!" She said that mom needed to get some rest over the weekend, so I did.

I am doing good, at work today, baby still kicking his favorite spot (OUCH!), and am just trying to make it through the week.

We (think we) are ready for baby!