Friday, February 29, 2008

Boo. No "leapling."

No baby today.

At least not yet, anyway. Went to doc this morning, and there has not been any progress since last week. But, she did tell me who the on-call doctor was this weekend...

We'll see what happens...

(C'mon baby, we are STILL ready for you!)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Last "Childbirth Class" today

Oh boy...

So, we have our last childbirth class today, which we REALLY don't want to go to. They are from 6:30-9:00pm, every Tues. night for a month. Jason almost always falls asleep, or at least "threatens" to.

Tonight is C-section info., class review, and evaluations. Sounds like it will be riveting. I am just glad they have big comfy bean bag chairs for the mamas.

After this, we are ready. C'mon out whenever you want, baby!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Ready for Baby!

Happy Monday morning, all!

As of Friday, the doctor told us we were 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced, then asked if we had the after hours phone number.

So, of course, Jason immediately asked, "So, that means he could come any day now?"

Doc said, "Yes, but don't look for it, or it will drive you crazy!" She said that mom needed to get some rest over the weekend, so I did.

I am doing good, at work today, baby still kicking his favorite spot (OUCH!), and am just trying to make it through the week.

We (think we) are ready for baby!